Esports and the Artificial Intelligence

A K Peri
2 min readNov 29, 2020

Artificial Intelligence is one of the hot topics of the decade and for the foreseeable future! It found a place in almost every industrial segment including healthcare. Is AI into Esports as well?

The short answer is Yes, it is. But to what extent is the question we seek answers to! Several companies have incorporated data analysis in esports to provide detailed analysis of gameplay, strengths, weaknesses, and even the chickens killed.

Is that it? Or the DeepMind and OpenAI found a more interesting use case? Interestingly, an article talks about AI vs AI esports teams. What does that mean? Without getting into technicalities, let’s try to understand on a very simple level. AI vs AI teams would mean that the in-game crispiness will be huge.

But in FPS games like Counter Strike Global Offensive, this could mean the creation of imbalance between game mechanics and strategies. Does that imply these games will be left behind? NO

Almost all games consist of three parameters — game sense, movement, and aim/mechanics. Game Sense, like common sense, is an intuitive semi-conscious ability to anticipate the opponent’s moves and devising a strategy to counter it. Movement, as the name suggests, involved the player model’s movement and other physical controls whereas mechanics involve the game’s aspects indirectly related to the player model such as recoil of weapons or penetration of certain objects.

Many AI companies doing a terrific job focus on the mechanical aspect of the game focusing on the statistical analysis of factors directly or indirectly mechanical. This does not rule out the interoperability between the three parameters nor does it endorse one’s value over others.

Infinite articles are backing up the correlation between cognition and esports but is the AI there? We, at SwiftSkill, are building a tool to reward the strategic aspect of an individual and make sure the game sense is available at ease for every gamer- be it amateur or professional.

With our state-of-the-art AI, we not only intend to provide gamers with a strategic advantage but also statistical support to make well informed and aware decisions.

Stay tuned to find out more! Follow me on LinkedIn and stay up-to-date on how we are upskilling esports, one user at a time!

